technology | future of technology in India | artificial intelligence

 Technology | Future of Technology in India

Before Going to the actual definition of Technology, Just Imagine how our world look without technology, this means no schools, no house, no cars, no roads, no airplanes, no electricity, and so on.

Now, this is because almost everything we see around us that is made by humans is a product of Technology.

What Is Technology

Technology is application of human knowledge, skills, ideas, techniques and ideas to create and use goods and services or to achieve other goals.

Technology is everything by humans to make life easier like our cell phones and cars or it can be the process and ideas that lead to the development of these devices.

Let’s assume you wanted to build a house, you will get to an Architect to draw a beautiful plan, well that is knowledge. Then you need builders to lay the bricks, that is a skill. And then you need Carpenter for furniture work. And then finishing. Now, the whose idea is required to build a house in a particular manner is a Civil Engineer. Now, this a Technology, it comprises every process involved in creating service and product.

Technology ranges from an idea to a finished product and the knowledge of how to use a finished product.

Future of Technology in India

Technology is spreading in India day by day and is one of the highest growth rates in Asia Pacific Region. According to Global Innovation Index 2020, India Ranks 48th overall in terms of innovation and Ranks amongst the 15 Top nations in Information and Communication Technology and R&D intensive global companies.

Top 7 future Technologies in India 

Some of the top technologies which are already proposed or about to come and can create high Impact in our society are: -

·       Self-Driving Cars - If it is perfectly implemented, harmful Emission will get reduce. Traffic jam will decrease. Stop and go waves can be completely stopped, sense environment with no human input many other positives.

·       Hyperloop – The Hyperloop is a proposed mode of transportation for Passenger and Freight. It is basically a vacuum train model. Currently Tesla and SpaceX are currently working in this project.

·       Space Tourism – It is a human space activity for Recreational purposes. There are different types of space tourism, Orbital, Sub-Orbital and Lunar. Till date, Orbital is the only type of tourism ever to happen by the Russian Space Agency. Space tourism can majorly help in enhancing Economic Growth. Space agencies will get more funding and they can explore the space even better.

·       Cognitive Computing – Cognitive Computing integrates with various aspect of Artificial Intelligence such as ML, DL, NLP, Speech Recognition, sentimental Analysis to improve human Decision making. Cognitive Computing tries to stimulate human thought process under a complex situation where there are no specific answers.

·       3-D Printing – Manufacturing of a 3-Dimensional Object. It can be used for rapid manufacturing and rapid prototyping. It can produce 3D printed food, 3D Printed Organs, etc. It can be used in manufacturing Industries like Automobile Industries and manufacturing process can be increased rapidly.

·       5G Networks – 5G is a Fifth Generation Mobile Broadband beyond LTE and 4G. It provides faster, stable and secured connections. 5G can also provide high capacity in Ultra Low Latency that could basically bring AI and IOT an added advantage. It can make IOT devices even faster and also AI can be unleased everywhere across the world.

Artificial Intelligence – Earlier, if we want to go from one place to another or a particular address, we used to ask from different people about roads and roots. But today, with the help of Technology we can go anywhere by just putting the address on Google map. It will tell everything about the roads, traffic, time duration of travel, how much time it will take by car, bus or by walking. It is one the most basic example of Artificial Intelligence, there are many such examples which use in our life on daily basis.

Artificial Intelligence basically deals with simulation of intelligence in machines.

Artificial Intelligence is the ability of thinking, understanding and then applying it practically, Like human do.

In next five years, we can expect that Artificial Intelligence will play a significant role in transforming work place environment and replacing the manual labor.

But, to every pro there is some con also, the Technology disruption will result in loss of human jobs at a massive rate as companies tend to prefer economic and efficient system.

In Today’s era Technology can really boost the efficiency of any business around the world, but with proper operation.

Stephen Hawking once said – “Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid risk”.

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